Hello and Merry Meet to my Spiritual World of Darkness and Light! I am glad to share this new created site since it has been a very long time when I did my last page which was different than this one... But now I like my new web page that I've worked on and my other site pages up as well. I will try and get my other pages up sooner so, when I finish them I hope they will be ready to view. I know in my last website or web page that I have putted my work experience placements in there before so now I may or may not have them displayed in the goddess page and also my other info about myself too. It has been along time since I've tried to fix all my sites, but I didn't do much work on them as I thought I would and now I'm working on as many as I can on my own computer at home.

I have discovered many new things like writing stories and creating poems with some friends or on my own. The poems that I try and write on my own is hard cause I don't know what to say in them or express any of my feelings that others have done in theirs. I do need some help with writing poems and I also wish that some of my friends in my area or online can help me as much as I can do on my own to write more poems and stories so I will be better at them and hope that I can be expressive in the poems that I write by myself.

I've also discovered my fears and dislikes inside myself that I'm not truly happy with but, I do fight most of my fears as much as I can since I've been different then I was a couple years ago. I do hope my other site pages will be done immediately since I enjoy creating them and enjoy viewing them when they are done! Enjoy the visit!